

[ Nature’s Greatest Machine ]

Processing the contaminants out of the body takes time, but the reward is life. Two quotes from Carl R. Rogers. One. The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. Two. What is most personal is most universal.

Last night I sat again with my papers. MPK had never written for pleasure or to escape pain.Its writings defy passing moods and ambitious phases. It writes to learn — its perceptions of the world, its place within it, itself as a world within me — an act neither pleasurable nor painful, but mysterious and life-giving. It continues to be for this body two things — freedom and romance — which to others, are either foolish escapism or unattainable ideals. It is indeed escapist and idealistic. But foolishness is their judgement of illusory and cheapness upon its life-giving forces of sanity and necessity.

Make me your protection, my angel... we are the greatest partnership. My job - to be pure and clear. Your job - to be intelligent and powerful. Together we will become Nature's Greatest Machine — a humble human being.

One day we shall bring it home and let it be sung. 






I feel that martial arts, any art, comes down to the art of living - dominating survival and thriving. Decluttering the mindbody-mindspace to attain clarity, mental-physical. The art of living is the most fundamental and most important practice of all — it grounds all resolution and grants all possibilities. How often do we choose ‘getting it over with’ over ‘ getting intentional and present’? The rushed wastes life, the still enjoys life. Living is meditative practice. Our voice cannot sound pure, our movements cannot dance if our mindbody-mindspace is cluttered with nonsense and distrust. Living can be made an artful chaos…a peaceful madness… if we allow ourselves to let go, to be. To truly live is to embody movement within stillness and stillness within movement.




Nature observes life, change, cycles into existence. Nature is the work of intelligence. Science is our bridge to nature.

Listen, truly listen. Hear rustling of branches from a distant land…broken prayers of refugees without homes… sweet orangutans, our beloved children and elders, brothers and sisters of the world…


Style…? None really…

Aesthetic however…, eternity, scripture, King…

I was a writer first.. and forever… then a songstress … dancer…

I first wrote of a eternal world that is of infinite forms…then my songs echoed in time and dance pulsated through space...

I am a composite of infinite matter… and my creations disperse in infinite ways beyond the present time and space… that is the structure of a creative being… we are our imaginations, nothing more, nothing less… all that is moving, constantly… energy is reborn every moment… everywhere in everything….nothing is scary or terrifying.. nothing can take our livelihood if we choose to defend it… all is energy… travelling in mysterious ways…

we are infinite creations; origins and completions; cycling and changing; growth and decay; died and reborn; always and forever…nature and universe - we are it, this is it…


Ps. Happy birthday Papa.


Growing infinitely is experiencing infinity.

Once upon a time there lived a candid and cheerful gal…

I am in the business of playing, dreaming, and falling in love; the business of hospitality, sustenance and organics; the business of magnetism and allure; the business of confidence and wealth architecture; the business of arts and humanities








腦子中打轉 這樣子好久了

幾秒?幾天 ? 年 ?輩子?











陪伴著我一起哭泣嗎 ?

就這樣想吧 ⋯謝謝夜晚,

你也沒離開過吧 我知道了⋯






Each space in time I create for myself I discover new world wonders. Time dissolves as I pry at these secret gems, as I listen in awe of their ordinary talks. So many signs appearing. It means I am seeing. My heart propagates a deepening respect for our nature and the fog clears from the window of soul. With each approaching moment, facing uncertainty is inevitable and somehow we are so blessed with the simplicity of having only to choose fear or choose excitement. Learn decisiveness. Regrets are not necessary. Leap over the many traps of conformity and conventionalism lurking between self-being…between honest reflections, professional integrity, and innovative originality. Engage observations and reflections until it becomes second nature. Defy nature’s challenges with nature’s creative potentials. Everyday freedom is taking full responsibility and zero credit. When annoyance and anger come on, there is simply an issue of communication, so find resolve by improving upon it. Play chess.


OWR ; D—mpk+dc ;rvln(1),fw(2),no(3)
NAP ; S·A·D—ksmagna


[[ M·SoAfH • VLC ]]

{ m·architect }
{ d·philanthropist }
{ t·entertainer }

[ HOME·PrivateSpace ]
[ SANCTUARY·MindSpace]
[ FREEDOM·GreaterEnvironment]

* make peace with the complex pathways of my value derivatives; creativity is king



Many times over I said I was ready. I was not ready but preparing for the moment I’d be. I had been vigilant and careful in the rewiring of this complex machine. I hired myself to be an engineer for it. The regular people would believe me to be a terrorist of sorts as truth is terror to them. Of the worlds I entertain, cowardice is not one. Cowards have ego and corruption to please and I do no business with such. I rather celebrate today and reconstitute desires into humility. It wasn’t fake. It all had weight. Imagination is a valuable plant that bears unimaginable fruits. I had promised to cherish each seed from the brown envelope. No matter how wrong and insignificant and lost in the open they seemed, I gave them everything I had. Shone a light of faith upon their hunger and dripped tears of hope upon their thirst. I buried them in a frightless, cradling dark until clarity would emerge. Even the worst would come around and begin praying. What must prevail is an honesty for which I’d die defending. This time I am ready because I finally know I will never be.

Each moment a new match with fate. Give it all. You’ll win some and you’ll lose some. Each time a little stronger.


Pay attention to the certain airs stench of false conservatism and abused liberties; some of us are breathing it heavy and exhaling an ever potent version of it. Most pitiful virus of all must be our self-fulfilling pessimism; decadence of sensitivity. Forthcoming is a sovereign government in which operates in a parallel spaceless dimension, unseen and non-disruptive, still yet a constructive force of change. Strategies informed by the wisdoms of nature; systems mirroring the laws of the universe, and finally, her revolutionaries acting in accordance, engaging in the transmutation of energies into what defies gossiping chatters and unfounded belief systems erected out of abusive egos and lusts for significance. In the eyes of the natural law, egotistic foolishness become no more than mere noise fading away as swiftly as they came. The King must show mercy to his sons; the fools who are so blind to mother’s love, her deeper, most beautiful truths. Cowardice creatures have yet to find maturity and guidance, for they act out of a desperation defined by an obsessive desire to maximize pleasure and minimize pain..strayed far from a conviction of greater purpose, destined for a hell of their own superstition…I must show compassion. I must learn love. It is absolutely erroneous to criticize, to demonize and to release any judgement on behalf of God, for God does not judge and he who judges, has no god in him. Perfection is attainable but only through the acknowledgement and appreciation of each failure and defect.


Always from conquering heartbreak am I granted another encounter with Furtherance.

…wealth, fame, power…winner claims justice…

lose … cravings, insecurity, guilt, ambition, eagerness, anxiety, expectations, judgement, negative thoughts….;

nurture … compassion, patience, strength, flexibility, balance, breath, peacefulness, resolve, gentleness.


Woke up grumpy. Wanted to sleep in. I slept at 1030 last night so that’s a win. Summer woke me and thank god she did. It knocked on my laziness. Fed her and wanted to go back to bed. She barked again after eating. I was irritated but it got me moving, putting dishes away, washing up dirty ones from last night, this clean up routine helps me wake. Besides, there is no snoozing a hungry dog. 630. Not good enough but I’ll stop being hard on myself. Day at a time, crumbs at a time. Those earlier hours I am still awful drowsy, after all I had spent most of my life going to bed in the am. My body is intelligent but I shouldn’t expect it to be abrupt.


Stop chasing delusional thoughts…be practical…lose all passion. The only way to dream. Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work…Gustave Flaubert. I need nothing but to solve this puzzle on my own. This is my mind. I will look after it myself. Life gave me some time. Thankful. No need to fear… power. Cease to be intimidated by anything…can’t afford it. I will tell myself until it becomes true. Fruition…when I finally failed enough to recognize it, to acquire it…took a while. Ready to carry on.. ready to play this game. Work with change..all is temporary and brief. Faltering strengthens. It needs to get worse before it gets better.


Angel in the marble. Sculpt until he is weightless.



Nothing, no one is either bad or good, put another way, bad or good evaluation is irrelevant to any existing thing or persons. No experience is right or wrong, meaning right or wrong judgement is irrelevant to our experiences of the world. If we have nothing to blame and no one to judge, how then, can we channel overwhelming and ill emotions? In one way alone, by the path of just action. And how can we learn to act justly? First, let us contemplate the state and sensitivity of our minds as this is a reflection of the qualities of our actions.

Actions with unjust intentions are essentially corrupt energy and can lead to obvious and immediate detriments or travel unceremonious paths and take root in the unexpected mind spaces of our own and of others’ we encounter, waiting to detonate more unjust actions. A vicious cycle.

We act unjustly because there is a deficiency of justice, which happens when our mind spaces are overtaken by corruption. We can, however, find no resolution in demonizing corrupt energy or the unjust actions that come of it. Understand that corruption is not an individual condition but a collective human condition. Living with corruption is liken to living with disease and plague, it causes moral suffering.

Nature always finds balance through change, meaning change is a the constant of moving in and out of balance. Justice is a balanced state of the human mind, the state of mind where personal freedom breeds. When we encounter experiences that we feel negatively towards, it is because there is corruption in that which we experience the world through, namely our own minds. If we mistreat corruption by inaction or suppression, its effects of deteriorating our minds will only multiply until there is little humanity left.

Now if we look to nature and see that corruption is in fact just a state in which our nature is out of balance, and we accept that there is possibility for reversal, this awareness becomes faith. Faith is but an outlook of the mind. It is what allows us to hope, to be grounded in the midst of change because we understand that we can learn to operate the mechanics of reversal when nature challenges us with painful or traumatic experiences. Faith gives us the confidence to deal with corruption objectively.

What do we do with this confidence? We must venture into our minds and seek out an uncorrupt area. Then, upon this healthy soil, we will begin to erect a sanctuary through meditation. Here in our very own creation, we can begin to develop a personal and private practice. This is the practice of understanding, the practice of utilizing the behaviour of our minds and our unique experiences as intriguing subjects of observation and analysis. As we gain awareness through practice and study, we improve the sensitivity of our minds and expand the area of our safety. This allows for us to nurture just thoughts, and as they grow and flourish in our minds, they override what corruption there is. This is the path of just action.

As our minds are vast, intricate, and mysterious, this life-long practice of strategically breeding justice and warring corruption must be embraced as a fundamental theme of our existence.


in this life,
we are born innocent,
then innocence finds corruption
by nature’s workings, a challenge,
a testament of humanity,
should we find meaning
in suffering,

life finds meaning
in the gradual process of reversal,
a principled, personal, and
private practice, a practice anchored in
reflection and meditation
upon gratitude and repentance,
welcoming pain as the source
of energy for transmutation,
we become a host
for strength to act

through this process of healing
corruption, purifying soul, we attain
our purpose in life, the union with divinity,
becoming one with