Nothing, no one is either bad or good, put another way, bad or good evaluation is irrelevant to any existing thing or persons. No experience is right or wrong, meaning right or wrong judgement is irrelevant to our experiences of the world. If we have nothing to blame and no one to judge, how then, can we channel overwhelming and ill emotions? In one way alone, by the path of just action. And how can we learn to act justly? First, let us contemplate the state and sensitivity of our minds as this is a reflection of the qualities of our actions.
Actions with unjust intentions are essentially corrupt energy and can lead to obvious and immediate detriments or travel unceremonious paths and take root in the unexpected mind spaces of our own and of others’ we encounter, waiting to detonate more unjust actions. A vicious cycle.
We act unjustly because there is a deficiency of justice, which happens when our mind spaces are overtaken by corruption. We can, however, find no resolution in demonizing corrupt energy or the unjust actions that come of it. Understand that corruption is not an individual condition but a collective human condition. Living with corruption is liken to living with disease and plague, it causes moral suffering.
Nature always finds balance through change, meaning change is a the constant of moving in and out of balance. Justice is a balanced state of the human mind, the state of mind where personal freedom breeds. When we encounter experiences that we feel negatively towards, it is because there is corruption in that which we experience the world through, namely our own minds. If we mistreat corruption by inaction or suppression, its effects of deteriorating our minds will only multiply until there is little humanity left.
Now if we look to nature and see that corruption is in fact just a state in which our nature is out of balance, and we accept that there is possibility for reversal, this awareness becomes faith. Faith is but an outlook of the mind. It is what allows us to hope, to be grounded in the midst of change because we understand that we can learn to operate the mechanics of reversal when nature challenges us with painful or traumatic experiences. Faith gives us the confidence to deal with corruption objectively.
What do we do with this confidence? We must venture into our minds and seek out an uncorrupt area. Then, upon this healthy soil, we will begin to erect a sanctuary through meditation. Here in our very own creation, we can begin to develop a personal and private practice. This is the practice of understanding, the practice of utilizing the behaviour of our minds and our unique experiences as intriguing subjects of observation and analysis. As we gain awareness through practice and study, we improve the sensitivity of our minds and expand the area of our safety. This allows for us to nurture just thoughts, and as they grow and flourish in our minds, they override what corruption there is. This is the path of just action.
As our minds are vast, intricate, and mysterious, this life-long practice of strategically breeding justice and warring corruption must be embraced as a fundamental theme of our existence.
in this life,
we are born innocent,
then innocence finds corruption
by nature’s workings, a challenge,
a testament of humanity,
should we find meaning
in suffering,
life finds meaning
in the gradual process of reversal,
a principled, personal, and
private practice, a practice anchored in
reflection and meditation
upon gratitude and repentance,
welcoming pain as the source
of energy for transmutation,
we become a host
for strength to act
through this process of healing
corruption, purifying soul, we attain
our purpose in life, the union with divinity,
becoming one with