Why do we discuss problems which we can do nothing about—waste of breath
Why don’t we sit in silence to do what we can—breathe gratitude into the depths
of soul
It is no one’s job to love us; privileged we are if our mother has the strength to,
if any, left from birthing the universe that is us
It is no one’s job to protect us; privileged we are if our father has the gentleness to,
if any, left from being displaced by injustice since before he was born
It is no one’s job to support and guide us; privileged we are
if our friends and teachers have the compassion to,
if any, slaved and toiled for, from the rare opportunities of blessed freedom
It is our job to love, to protect, to support, to guide ourselves;
It is our job to live with dignity no matter our circumstances;
It is our own growth and strength we must pursue,
and our own respect we must earn
Every moment we are moving mountains, wrestling time, conversing with our mind;
So dance with madness, not suffer it; orchestrate peace, not demand it